Plumbing & HVAC Insulation

We can provide an estimate and proposal to install or remove Mechanical Insulation as detailed in the mechanical and plumbing specification drawings. Drawings should be provided by owner or mechanical contractor.

Custom Insulation Solutions

Insul-Tech Inc. can provide a price and proposal to install or remove Mechanical Insulation that is job or system specific. We can advise on different types of insulation materials specific to the needs of various Mechanical Insulation environments. We will provide you with the proper knowledge and awareness of existing and new products specific to Mechanical Insulation.

Removal of Existing Insulation

We offer pricing and proposals for the removal and replacement of insulation from your commercial or industrial job site. Our price to remove existing insulation includes, the removal, bagging and disposal of existing insulation. Insul-Tech Inc. does not offer Asbestos Abatement.

Fire Stopping

Insul-Tech Inc. offers firestopping for mechanical piping system penetrations.

Mold & Mildew Control

We offer mold remediation and alternative insulation materials that can deter mold and mildew growth.

Mechanical Insulation Energy Appraisal

Insul-Tech Inc. has in house certified Insulation appraisers that are able to estimate cost savings and approximate payback time on upgrades to your insulation systems.

5724 Industry Lane
Frederick, MD 21704
Phone: (301) 378-0013
Fax: (301) 378-0017